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techDetector is a platform that intends to bridge the gap between sustainable development challenges and accelerating technologies. It is a project developed in a partnership between Envisioning and GIZ.
techDetector is a platform that intends to bridge the gap between sustainable development challenges and accelerating technologies. It is a project developed in a partnership between Envisioning and GIZ.

The devastating consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic combined with the speedup of the Climate Crises are accelerating the development of a new wave of fascinating emerging technologies worldwide. However, two pivotal questions remain:

  • Beyond the brand new gimmicky gadgets, are emerging technologies able to help us achieve a better and more sustainable future for all?

  • How can technologies themselves be responsible for dissolving structures that somehow guaranteed the humanitarian achievements we have made so far?

With these inquiries in mind, the techDetector was created to simplify the understanding and assessment of emerging technologies regarding sustainable development. First developed in 2019 through a partnership between GIZ and Envisioning, the study gathered hundreds of technology applications, assessed according to their technological maturation (TRL assessment) and sustainability evaluation.

techDetector Platform

In 2021, a new chapter of the techDetector begins. The main mission of the techDetector remains the same: to assist people in bridging the gap between emerging challenges and accelerating technologies. However, the new version includes many upgrades such as continuous technology assessment and update, workshop modules and new narrative formats (e.g. case studies, articles, interviews, future scenarios, and much more). Its goal is not only to present and analyze future technologies but also to engage tech-based sustainability mindsets through various stimuli.

How Can You Use The techDetector?

  • Use our Radar to explore, compare, and analyze technology applications that are fittest to your interests and needs. Explore the Radar

  • Understand how the research is developed. Read about the Methodology

  • Discover how the techDetector assesses the impact of emerging technologies according to various criteria. Read about Metrics

  • Read Stories to learn how emerging technologies can affect sustainable development. Explore Stories

  • Sign up to our Workshops to straighten your team's Futures literacy skills. Contact the techDetector Team

  • Partner with the techDetector to have sessions and Stories targeted to your sustainable development challenge. Contact the techDetector Team