technology application

Delivery Robot

updatedAug 31, 2023

chesky @

Autonomous electric robots equipped with a variety of sensors that navigate throughout urban areas or at indoor sites to deliver packages, food, or any other equipment safely and contactlessly. Monitored by humans, it can be taken control of at any moment if necessary.
Autonomous electric robots equipped with a variety of sensors that navigate throughout urban areas or at indoor sites to deliver packages, food, or any other equipment safely and contactlessly. Monitored by humans, it can be taken control of at any moment if necessary.

Equipped with GPS, lidars, navigation cameras, sensors, and deep-learning algorithms, this autonomous robot can navigate its way along paved roads or indoor sites, and deliver objects safely and contactlessly. With a six-wheel structure, it stably climbs curbs and efficiently delivers items, equipment, and food. Using cameras, this robot can correctly interpret streetlights and signs, and lidar technology allows for accurate real-time environment mapping, even during rainy days or dark settings. Deep-learning algorithms process data from all these sources in real-time to enable the robot to interpret its surroundings correctly, thus helping to make intelligent decisions, avoiding collisions, and improving performance through experience.

Monitored by humans who can take control at any moment, the delivery robot features a secure locking mechanism that would only open for the designated recipient without needing contact. These autonomous robots range from suitcase-sized to medium-sized trolleys and can carry up to 15kg of cargo. Delivery robots are electric, minimizing local delivery's ecological footprint and freeing up valuable street space by traveling on sidewalks.

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4 stories
9 organizations
2 technology domains
6 industries
  • Mobility
  • Hospitality & Leisure
  • Retail & Logistics
  • Media & Interface
  • Food
  • Entertainment
9 topics
  • Digital Economy
  • Inclusion of People with Disabilities
  • Security
  • Urbanization
  • Employment and Labour Markets
  • Food and Nutrition Security
  • Green Economy
  • Political & Social Participation
  • Sustainable Mobility
3 SDGs
  • 09 Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • 12 Responsible Consumption and Production
  • 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities